The price of gasoline, diesel, gas in Ukraine 3/26/2025

The cost of fuel at the gas station in Ukraine

Updated: 3/26/2025 1:18 PM
Filling stations A95 Plus A95 A92 Diesel Gas
AMIC 58.66 56.15 54.44 36.03
BVS 57.99 55.99 53.99 54.99 35.99
Chipo 53.47 51.58 34.94
Green Wave 53.30 52.30 34.80
KLO 57.99 56.59 54.39 56.99 37.99
Mango 53.49 52.49 52.49 34.18
Marshal 55.79 53.01 52.05 49.63 34.75
Motto 53.38 52.77 50.70 34.78
Neftek 58.49 55.99 53.49 52.99 36.49
Ovis 58.99 55.49 53.49 53.99 35.49
RLS 55.00 50.70 49.80 49.80 34.40
Rodnik 35.79
Route 20 56.99 54.99 54.99 37.95
Shell 59.95 57.95 57.75 36.27
SOCAR 60.82 57.66 56.82 37.32
SUN OIL 52.99 51.99 50.49 34.69
U.GO 53.90 52.90 51.90 35.40
UPG 55.90 53.90 52.90 35.32
VostokGaz 51.99 50.99 51.99 34.99
VST 54.30 51.70 34.76
WOG 61.99 58.99 57.99 38.48
ZOG 56.00 53.50 52.50 53.00 35.50
Авантаж 7 52.95 51.95 34.25
Автотранс 62.98 55.98 53.98 54.98 35.98
БРСМ-Нафта 52.66 50.08 34.57
Катрал 54.99 53.59 34.47
Кворум 53.28 51.98 51.98 33.98
Маркет 52.49 51.99
ОККО 61.99 58.99 57.99 38.49
Олас 53.99 52.99 51.99 35.70
Паралель 56.16 55.16 35.76
Рур груп 57.99 55.99 55.99 36.50
Укрнафта 55.49 53.49 52.49 52.49 34.99
Укр-Петроль 54.50 53.50
Фактор 52.50 47.70

