The price of gasoline, diesel, gas in Khmelnytskyi 12/4/2024

The average price of fuel in Khmelnytskyi

A95 Plus A95 A92 Diesel Gas
58.09 54.93 52.59 51.28 35.35

The cost of fuel at the gas station (Khmelnytskyi Oblast)

Updated: 12/4/2024 1:24 PM
Filling stations A95 Plus A95 A92 Diesel Gas
ОККО 59.99 57.99 54.99 36.99
WOG 59.99 57.99 54.99 36.98
Авіас 56.19 52.99 50.49 36.99
Shell 60.49 57.89 54.89 35.99
Укрнафта 55.99 53.99 51.99 50.99 33.99
Укр-Петроль 50.90 47.90
AMIC 56.49 53.49
Motto 53.98 52.98 48.48 33.48
Маркет 52.99 52.79 48.99
Авантаж 7 51.95 48.95 33.45
VST 54.90 49.90 34.90

